Revenue Analytics

Clear Revenue
Insightful Revenue
Accelerate Revenue
Revenue Tracking
in Real Time
Clear Revenue Visibility

MoData's dashboards provide instant access to details behind region & department level revenue KPIs. No revenue driver will remain hidden. Track a particular deal from its very inception (when user first visited your website) all the way to closure. No guess work. All the data you need will be at your fingertips.

Insightful Revenue Predictions

Take control of your quarter by evaluating expected revenue opportunities. Our state-of-the-art ML (Machine Learning) models automatically evaluate your historical deal closure. Models asses your ability to achieve your targets for the quarter and propose best steps.

What-if-analysis provides out-of-the-box ability to tweak your sales tactics for the quarter and predict the effects. Change parameters like dropping stalled deals and focusing on improving TCV of the ones likely going to close.Our models can quickly reevaluate your new pipeline and provide instant feedback. Everything you need to ace your quarter in one tool!

Accelerate Revenue Generation

Stalled deals represent one of the biggest opportunities to boost sales revenue. Identify stalled deals, align efforts with departmental revenue goals and ace your quarter. MoData is here to make this process seamless!

Yield on SDR efforts or return on your sales communication investment. Chances are other organizations are in the similar stage as you are. Identify where you stand and explore industry best practices right there in our platform. Out-of-the-box benchmarking available through our platform avail you the best sales operations metrics available out there.

Revenue Tracking In Real Time

Revenue is a combination of multiple metrics. You can now track all of them in real time. Track SaaS revenue, royalty revenue, compare the product vs. service revenue, and more.

All the information is now at your fingertips. Slice and dice the revenue metrics making them easier to follow and provide clarity. Employ the correct tactics and claim your success. We simplify things so you can focus on what truly matters!

Related Features

Evaluate where your sale team is spending time. Calculate return on sales investment. Identify high value activities through analysis. Ensure sales rep activities are aligned with team goals.

Sales Productivity

Identify bottlenecks in sales process. Benchmark your KPIs against industry average. Measure the quality of MQLs by aggregating conversion performance across multiple sales reps.


Discount is often used as the panacea to close the "stuck" deals in last moment? Does it really work? Does it point to weakness in other parts of your sales process?

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