Sales Reporting On-Demand
Close 15% More Deals 10% Faster With Real-Time Sales Reporting & Insights Across All Your Sales Data
MoData Sales Reporting & Intelligence Platform
  • 100s of out-of-the-box Sales reports, charts & KPI
  • Pipeline changes tracking & Funnel progression related sales reports
  • Sales forecasting & Deal predictions. Managerial override & Custom hierarchy
  • Account Based Sales Reporting
  • Target Account Engagement / Sentiment Tracking & Reporting
  • Reports bundled with AI-based Alerts. Delivered directly to your inbox.

No more Monthly Excel Sales Reporting Templates ! Move your sales reporting to the next level !!

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Unlimited Integrations
Report on all of your Sales Data with One UI | One Login | One Price
We keep adding new connections, so if you don't see one you need,
we will work with you to create one.
Automatic Refresh

Your dashboard automatically refresh , every minute, every hour or every a day. You'll never miss a beat. We pull data automatically from your CRM & Sales Enablement Systems, so you don't do any extra work to get access to world-class insights. We pull data from your Email System too!

Pre-Built Sales Reports

Automate Salesforce, Dynamics and Hubspot reporting, with 100s of pre-built sales reports. Out-of-the-box sales reports include data from CRM as well as sales enablement systems like, PersistIQ etc & lead nurturing systems like Marketo and Eloqua. Replace static monthly sales reporting templates with web / mobile based easy to use sales reports for your whole team.

Automated Alerts

Automated Alerts. System watches the dashboard so you don't have to. Automated alerts arrive via email as and when your attentions is required. You don't even have to choose the recipients because the system figures it out.

Automatic History Tracking

We track every change in your CRM, Lead Nurturing and Sales Enablement systems. Unlike sales reporting and forecasting template which leave in dark about how you got to your current numbers, we tell you exactly what changed between any two time periods i.e. weeks, months, quarters or even years. This data is critical to track your funnel progression trends and pipeline changes

Easy Customizations

100s of out of box sales reports available on top of combined data from CRM (Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Hubspot among others), Lead Nurturing & Sales Enablement systems. Every report is customizable to include unlimited number of filters, metrics & visualizations. Our on-boarding team works with you to ensure your reports meet your organizational needs

Unlimited Logins

Shared data improves collaboration and changes behavior. With MoData everybody can rally around same set of updated reports available 24/7 via channel of your choice including web, mobile, email and slack. With unlimited logins, your entire team can now access state-of-art reports. Sophisticated permissions ensures sensitive data is protected.

On-Boarding Support

When you sign up for MoData our implementation and customer success teams get into action. Be it MS Dynamic,Salesforce or Hubspot reporting these experts understand CRM capabilities very well. With deep expertise in sales operations these professional seek to develop thorough understanding of your sales process to ensure that implementation satisfies your needs. We frequently share industry best practices and benchmarking information with our customers as well

What are MoData customers saying?
Excellent sales reporting tool to understand trends and patterns going on within your organization, such as forecasting, pipeline, target accounts, etc.
Rob Israch
CMO, Tipalti
The fact that it tracks history unlike most other BI tools like Power BI. This means that you do not have to take snapshots every day or week to track movement of your funnel. Thats been great help for us.
Subanya C.
Sales Ops, Promapp
The UI is exceedingly simple to use and fast. Simply define the way you want to filter the data and leverage the expertise of the MoData team.
Dan Lackner
CRO, Vaadin