Your new dashboard

Meet the modern day pipeline analysis platform
that gives you instant answers with the tools
to take action NOW - no assembly required

Improve Forecast Accuracy and Efficiency

Make forecasts you can bank on. AI and machine learning technologies extrapolate data to fill in gaps.

Visualize Your Sales Pipeline

Get real-time insight into any aspect of your sales pipeline and easily identify the areas that need your attention.

Set Goals and Track Progress

Set visible goals around any metric and compare them side-by-side with pre-built goal-based views.

Answer any question. See every perspective.

MoData is the first fully automated sales management intelligence platform designed for SaaS teams looking to scale their revenue. Beautifully visualized, it provides instant 360-degree insight on the past, present, and future of your sales team, connecting you with the live information you need to make confident decisions and ingenious plans.


A range of features to fit your sales management needs.

Stop the Snapshots

The unlimited history of your pipeline stored securely in your cloud and viewable from any device.

Set Goals and Track Progress

Set visible goals around any metric and track progress as one single source of truth.

Identify Hidden Bottlenecks

Easily spot clogs in your pipeline with velocity tracking and deal stage breakdowns.

Fully automated. 
Beautifully visualized.

MoData's AI-powered sales intelligence software provides you with actionable insights,
predictions and prescriptions to help you grow revenue faster.

Our customers love us!

how modata helps businesses grow
"The fact that it tracks history unlike most other BI tools like Power BI. This means that you do not have to take snapshots every day or week to track movement of your funnel. Thats been great help for us."
Subanya C.
Sales Ops, Promapp
"Working in a high velocity sales environment I required better insights into the sales funnel but I don't have a PHD in maths -ie, I was having difficulty generating reports directly from Salesforce. MoData provides easy to use customizable reporting that gives me the insights I need in order to make better, faster decisions. Highly recommend it."
Adam Pisk
Sales Director


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